Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Prepostrophe S

Dear Northern Americans (aka Unitedstatesans),

"Dick's car is red." -- correct
"My friends are all loser's." -- wrong
"The cabin's interior smelled of juniper." -- correct
"I don't like to read book's." -- wrong
"That's entertainment!" -- correct
"It's howl was heard for miles" -- wrong

How, on the other hand, the prepostrophe S finds its way into certain nouns and pronouns based on a clearly guidelined rule of possessive nouns and contractions is beyond me.

I feel like The Oakland baseball team once owned something...but no one knows since it was jacked and they know where you live.

When I see an ad for Adult CD's and DVD's, I wonder why they try to conceal C's and DV's identity? Everybody knows C and DV.

What's going on here? In the Philippines, we used to point and laugh. We'd think about it later that night and laugh again!

Now it's not funny.

And niether are periods. In advertisement headlines and taglines. But that's a rant. For another day.

You're going to he'll,


Margie said...

Yay! A copywriter with a copyeditor's sensibilities! Help me make my list of the top 5 most abused punctuation marks. :P

Carlos G said...

Speaking of English and the need for clear rules, what happened to I before E except after C? Hello...neither??? Weird?

aMgiNe said...

erlyn here carlos, im not surprised u have a blog. oh well ill link u up. hope u dont mind. visit my turf as well when you have time. http://bluerlyn.blogspot.com.

take care

Anonymous said...

Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation - by Lynne Truss