SAN FRANCISCO (CG) - The Dead Hensons--the latest Muppet Show Cover Band to sweep through the town since Furry Socks With Mouths Sewn Into Them (Patent Pending). This multitalented band of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12...no seriously, 8 players, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! (krgzzzzzsh! boom!) has won the heart of this 70s kid.
With improvised gag lines in loving memory of Waldorf and Statler (W: There's nothing like a good Rock Band S: Yes, they were nothing like it) embedded in the most sensational inspirational celebrational Muppetational theme, songs from Sesame street --Lowercase n and the anthemic Capital I-- and of course, the flippant but complex jazz tune, Munuh-munuh, these guys were Drive, drive, driving their car of polka, funk, and soul gently down the street of creative ditties that captured generations on end that had some of the shortest attention spans in pre-adolescent history.
Two of my favorite songs played tonight were "My First Day Of School" by The Count, CTW-ASCAP
(Creepy organ music begins)
The first day that I went to school yes, I remember clearly
My mummy made me leave at home the spiders I loved dearly
I felt a little sad as I walked through the classroom door,
But then I saw more children than I'd ever seen before.
"Ah ha!" I cried, "this new school will be fun
For I can count all of the children one by one"
not to mention "Ladybugs' Picnic"
They talked about the high price of furniture and rugs
And fire insurance for ladybugs
The ladybugs 12
At the ladybugs' picnic
which was (of course) by Don Hadley (words) and by William Luckey (music). (Of Course)
Deep in my heart, and I know my sisTer will know this just as deeply, I wanted to hear The Alligator King, which you can hear on http://members.tripod.com/Tiny_Dancer/alligator.avi. God Bless! I'm getting goosebumps listening to it now.
(Okay, I'm not THAT old. I was born in 1979 but I had 354 days of it to enjoy as a 70s kid.)
These guys onstage though, they were a class act, with a drumming cutie who could tapdance and play the washboard, another bass playing hunny who kazooed her way to the top, the sleazy 70s beefcake who did the creepy vocals to the Nightmare Band song (he also wore a pastel plaid suitjacket and played trombone that was sprouting sunflowers, but I think only I noticed) and the rest of the band who could play the clarinet, accordion, and the banjo.
True to form, they sold their album on 7" vinyl, probably to escape royalty violations and yellow t-shits with their band name and Ernie and Bert with Groucho Marx facegear. Why that makes so much sense...I don't know.
But one thing is for certain...this is what they call the Muppet Show.
http://sesame-street-lyrics.wonderlyrics.com/The-First-Day-Of-School.html for The First Day of School
http://members.tripod.com/Tiny_Dancer/ladybug.html for the Ladybugs' picnic
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